Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hello, kids!

They say change is inevitable and it is the only thing constant in this world. Give it time and time will definitely change your life. Everything around me...and of course myself included changes so fast and i don't wish for the rewind button to hit at all because everyday brings something new. Today marks 1 month of darling Maryam's life and looking forward to many many more months ahead.And her big bwada,Ismail, is 17mths and 13++kg which makes him HEFTY! The changes that i'm referring to are actually my kids (it sounds better in plural form!) And boy do they grow up fast robbing me off my precious time, annual leaves and phone memory (chock full of their photos and videos!) thing they cannot take away from me are my 30 minute showers..hehe...somebody has to be watching the babies for that. My hunk of a husband definitely deserves credit for most of these changes in my life and being the charming hubby he is, he will always be supportive and helpful. It's always a relief having him around at this time especially since he has a special role to play, which is to keep a watchful eye over toddler big bwada and keep him occupied AT ALL TIMES! This is the time when lil man should not be left wandering on his own because you wouldn't want to be walking on sticky and icky floors after he cheekily spills milk or when he grabs a plateful of fruits from the table when no one is looking. Its a tiring job of fatherhood for my hubby what with lil man always throwing toys and tantrums! I am glad breastfeeding allows me to relax with Maryam and bond with her alone. It's really taxing trying to please the lil man who can throw himself into a fiery rage whenever he feels like it.

So here are the biggest change in my life at the moment.
1. 2 babies (everyday a new discovery)
2. 4 of us in our own house (more in next post)